Learn some tips to help make technology eaisier to use
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dated : 2023.04.03
Browsers are what we use to connect to the internet however some website function better on specific browsers than other (kra itax functions better on Microsoft edge than on google chrome), (we use torr to connect to the dark web) and much more. Some of the famous browsers are. Edge, Explorer, chrome, opera, ucbrowser, torr, Mozilla, and many more.
dated : 2021.12.10
COMPUTERS. installing apps on your computer can be tricky especially if you do not have an internet connection. For easier installation with windows you need to install all c++ redistributables by year. Free apps from the internet often come with additional apps so be attentive on every installation process.
dated : 2021.12.10
Always lookout for the output voltage(V) and amperes (A) when buying a replacement charger for your laptop. These two values can greatly influence the performance of your device and in some cases, the charger will not work.
dated : 2021.12.10
Make sure you double-check the website that you login into and make sure they have the correct domain name. Clone websites are used to collect your username and passwords that are later used to hack your accounts. Most affected are social media platforms.
dated : 2021.12.10
This is a Google feature that is in all the devices with your Google account. You can see all the places the devices with your account have been on a google map. This is a double edge sword so make sure your Google account is secure.
dated : 2021.12.10
Enter post here.Some will surprise you 1) TFT screen - Thin film Transistor 2) USB - Universal Serial Bus 3) HDMI - High-Definition Multimedia Interface 4) VGA Cable - Video Graphics Array 5) RJ-45 - Registered jack 6) IP Address - Internet Protocol 7) LAN - Local Area Network 8) www. - World Wide Web 9) Much more can be found on the internet..
dated : 2021.12.10
You should always use new original charging cables so as not to spoil your charging port, also do not use torn, worn-out, exposed wires or cut and join a charging cable. Electrical spikes may destroy your device components.
dated : 2021.12.10
here is a list of the most common passwords 2021 remove them from your devices. 1. 123456 (103,170,552 hits) 2.123456789 (46,027,530 hits) 3. 12345 (32,955,431 hits) 4. qwerty (22,317,280 hits) 5. password (20,958,297 hits) 6. 12345678 (14,745,771 hits) 7. 111111 (13,354,149 hits) 8. 123123 (10,244,398 hits) 9. 1234567890 (9,646,621 hits) 10. 1234567 (9,396,813 hits)
dated : 2021.12.10
this is a story. my story to tell. private yet known. by all to see
dated : 2021.12.09
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